Sunday 1 April 2012

Welcome to my new blog

This year has had quite a rough start for me with debt that I seem to be unable to shift and quite a few poorly family members, including my Mum who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

Following my Mum's positive attitude towards things - i've started this blog with the following aims for the end of the year:

  • To get my debt under control and start seeing it come down
  • To waste less
  • To recycle and re-use and make do and mend more
  • To cook from scratch
  • To attempt some DIY and crafting
  • To try and win things or get things for free that I would normally have to buy

How I am with these things at present:

My debts currently stand at about £3500 - I aim to use a savings jar and literally put into it the money I can save from doing the things on this blog and once I have a reasonable amount in the jar i'll put it towards one of my debts.

Waste - My partner and I seem to waste an awful lot - the biggest waste is probably food being thrown out where we overbuy when we go shopping and just don't get around to using things in time
Our other big waste is money - as silly as it sounds we really do end up renting too many dvd's and having too many takeaways etc..

Recycle, Re-Use, Make Do and Mend - at the moment I am pretty terrible with recycling and have loads of things I could be re-using and mending

Cooking from scratch - I have far too many takeaways and really don't cook from scratch often enough

DIY and Crafting - I would really like to do some things around the flat to make it more homely and give it more of a theme - at the moment we have mostly the landlords furniture and the place is quite run down and shabby with nothing matchig at all.
I would also like to make more gifts and cards.

Winning things and getting things for free - I am already a 'comper' and enter lots of competitions, but I also intend to hunt out samples and freebies and get review products for my projects where I can

Wish me luck!

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