Monday 2 April 2012

A mixed day - need to plan food shopping better

My partner has been away with work for almost 2 weeks now and I don't think we did the food shopping very well before he went - especially when it comes to fruit a veg.

Today I threw out an entire bag of oranges and they were just too green and too soft and bruised to use - If I'd planned better i'd have only purchased a few little bits of fruit for myself.
(I have found out today that oranges can be frozen - so next time I buy a bag i'll freeze half of the straight away)

I also had to throw out a baking potato as my partner had put it on a sunny shelf in the kitchen rather than in a dark cupboard so it was really green and sprouting shoots everywhere (I live in a first floor flat - so growing it is not an option)

I haven't spent a single penny today though - so thats good

I missed breakfast and just had a coffee
Lunch was reheated pasta bolognaise from the other night which I had frozen a portion of
Supper was a cheap pack of rice from the cupboard (I seem to have packets and packets of the stuff) with some fried turkey breast strips from the back of the freezer (must be from christmas time) with some herbs and spices mixed in

I think really when my partner comes back this wednesday we need to have a good sit down and stocktake all of the food we have and see what meals we can make from it before we start buying things we don't need.

I have been thinking about all the old clothes we have and have an idea - but it will involve spending a little money - I might make an old fashioned patchwork quilt by hand.
I will need a decent pair of scissors and some wadding as well as possibly a baking piece of material and some more thread and needles.
So when i'm next in town i'll pop in and see what it costs.
I also need to line my bedroom curtains as they are really thin and the light comes in (partner works shifts so needs to sometimes sleep during the day) so I might see what i can do there with an old sheet and my future mother in laws help and sewing machine.


  1. we are eating out of the freezer and cupboards at the moment .. we seem to have stockpiled some rather random things so dinners consist of some strange concoctions !! BUT ... i have managed not to do a food shop for almost 2 weeks already !!! obviously fresh bits as and when but only what i need when i need it. for a family of 5 of us i spend around 80 - 120 a week on food so already a huge saving for us :D

  2. Glad i'm not the only one doing this then.

    In the last 2 weeks i've only spent £10 and that included for loo rolls and cat food - so not too bad at all.

    I reckon I can probably make another weeks worth of meals from what we have here already - and then i'm really going to shop frugally.
